07 July 2006

Learning to Fly...Again

It's been some time since I've posted anything and as some of you have guessed already, the reason for this is that my dear friend, Sandy, passed away from her battle with AML. It's taken me a long time to even sit at this computer again and I still have an inbox filled with emails that she sent to me right up until the morning of her passing. I considered abandoning this blog completely but, as good friends will often do, Sandy made me promise that I would keep writing even if I felt too sad to do so. She was a gifted writer of both prose and poetry who inspired me in more ways than I can possibly name here and she continues to give me the strength to do things that I'm quite certain I can not possibly do. That is one of the many blessings of friendship.

Thank you J.B., Chris and Frankie for taking the time to send encouragement and understanding my way when I first posted about my friend's illness and thanks to the many others who sent emails filled with prayers and support. Chris, if you're reading this, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, your sister and your family and I hope you'll let me know how she's doing when you can. I am convinced that Cancer patients are some of the most courageous souls I have ever known and I stand in humble awe of the strength they display in situations that would send so many of us into the depths of depression and despair. I have learned much about true strength and true faith from them.

I will return to my usual topics sometime this week, but for now, I again wish to encourage all of you to treasure each moment with those you love. I was blessed with 12 years of the finest friendship a human being can ever hope to know and I hope each and every one of you has the chance to experience something so precious.

Take Care and Be Safe,


Blogger "Frankly Opinionated" said...

Welcome back Angel. It is friends like you that the rest of us wish for. You are really special. Now, get busy and entertain us as you do so well. We want to read you.
nuf sed

7/08/2006 10:02:00 PM  
Blogger Fallen' Angel said...

Frankie, I am working slowly getting back into the swing of things. I know I'll get there soon - right now, I'm just rying to pick from the MANY topics that need addressing in reguards to our Nation. Thanks again for the complinents - you have no idea how much they inspire me!

7/10/2006 10:10:00 AM  
Blogger Fallen' Angel said...

Thanks NOTR! It took some time, but I'm finally glad to be back too!

7/11/2006 01:14:00 PM  

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